Time Cell

2019,装置 录像 照片,尺寸可变
2019, Installation\video\photograph, variable size

Materials: laser, water droplets, carousel engraved with Morse code, photos, videos, Stellarium, etc.
The work consists of three parts:
1. "Revelation"
The universe tells us by his trajectory that time is our jail and indestructible.

2019, photograph, 180x100cm
The picture is a change in the Milky Way coefficient that humans have observed and calculated over the past 100,000 years, and some "information" that I "turned around" in the universe. I visualize it and trap specific or random time development.

时间囚环,2019,录像 ,1'16"
Time Cell, 2019, video, 1'16"
我用激光和摩斯码告诉水滴里的宇宙:“Nothing can save you even art”
2. "Curse"
I use the laser and Morse code to tell the universe in the water droplet: "Nothing can save you even art"

The way I send information to another universe is to translate my "revelation" into Moss code on a circular disc and send it to another universe with a laser: the universe of microscopic matter, I set these universes in the falling drops.

我对另外的宇宙传递的信息是:“Nothing can save you even art”
My message to the other universe is: "Nothing can save you even art"

时间囚环现场,2019,录像 ,3'53"
Time Cell site, 2019, video, 3'53"
3. "Ending"
The water droplets finally fall on a high-temperature appliance, boil and immediately evaporate.
Our universe will also dissipate at the end of time.

The water droplets that have been irradiated by this information finally fall on a high-temperature appliance, boil and immediately evaporate.
水滴的结局,现场录音,2019,声音视频 ,2'26"
The ending of the water droplets, live recording, 2019, sound video, 2'26"

I am trying to find some meaning, some kind of readable information, some kind of "revelation" in the picture of the universe. After my stubborn efforts, it seems that I have received "revelation". The universe tells me with arrogant "language" that we are prisoners of time and are imprisoned in the barrier of indestructible ring. If this is a revelation, I still want to break the "revelation" of this spell. I want to pass this "information" and pass it to another universe. The message is my one of "revelation". Kind of defense.

Every decoding is another encoding process——David Lodge <Small World> 1984
Each encoding is a new fantasy of decoding——Huang Kui<Time Cell> 2019